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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Urban Fairytale

Before anything else, I just want to say...I MISSED MY BLOG!!! Wow! Glad that's all out! 
Pardon the exclamation points and shout sentences but I really missed blogging. For the past few weeks that I have been buried in making hospital documents that it almost felt like my world was about to end (a bit exaggerating but somehow like that haha) Thank you to the One above for giving me a break from all the medical terms and gave me a day to me the other me-the fashionable me! Teehee!

 With all smiles and hearts, I'm happy to share to you guys my get up. My "back-on-track" get up. Okay, getting all weird with that sentence but I guess it's the mushy feeling inside me that I finally get to ensemble a look after a long long time. I went from an all white doctor like look to all colors! I mean, I'm wearing white all time. Since my uniform is white, I think I got an attachment to it when I visualized this look. And every time I think of the moment when I created this, I get all red face and butterflies!
 My head start was to choosing these flower crowns from Bubbles as my center piece. That shop really is just amazing when it comes to creating colorful and beyond what you expect items. Loving all the colors and how it all blended.
I was supposed to wear an ordinary high waist denim shorts. But then again because of the excitement that I'm feeling my brain popped another image of restyling an ordinary shorts into something catchy. Making my look another center piece! And this is how it was made into reality. Added buttons pins, clay pins and flower   pins to make it playful! How I love this look turned out to be! Bid smile! 

Wedge heels from FOREVER 21. If I may just say, that this babies are my all time partner in any look that I may have. From casual to anything! 
For the top, well, this is actually a shirt from Tomato. I made it into a cropped top to give this look a nice kick. Plus I got thin! Haha what a show off! Nah, I don't mind. This is my day! 

What do you guys think? :) Hope yoou like it!

With love,

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